About Us

Familia Cuartas Alvarez
The Cuartas-Alvarez family have farmed this land, passing it from generation to generation, for more than 70 years. I took over the farm in 2005, just before my father passed away. I took over the running of it in 2005, just before my father died. I have a huge affection for this land, the land where I was born and raised.
I grew up in Quinchia then spent time in London, where I ran my own restaurant. My professional experience within the London restaurant scene, where the speciality coffee culture has blossomed, inspired me to modify how we run the family farm. We embraced changes to our working practices so that now all our processes, from cultivation through harvesting, processing to drying are entirely organic and sustainable.
As a family we believe that in life nothing has meaning unless you put passion into it. In our case our passion is for the production of an excellent quality coffee which showcases the flavour of this region. For many years we produced coffee to sell to the local coffee federation, but this year we’ve been really encouraged by the very high scores we’ve been getting in sample tastings to bring our coffee more directly to the market as a single origin denomination. We are now working on the fermentation process to improve the flavour even further.
Our Mission
We are the third generation of the Cuartas Alvarez family to take on the stewardship of Finca Las Cruces. We are determined to carry forward our family tradition of sustainable agriculture, cultivating the highest quality coffee, combining this with our commitment to our local community by providing employment and supporting education projects for our workers and their families.
As a true Latin Family, we have our extended family that have been collaborating, working together for many years, complementing each other, having lots of fun, while working in the farm. We would like to thank and recommend:
Photography, video, graphic design, Amelie Gamet, our French sister adds an extra dimension to her work, and introduces us to fabulous music